Thursday 20 August 2009


It's been at least a couple of weeks since I've been able to post, partly because my actual day job has been super-busy, thus interfering with creativity slightly (how dare it!) and partly because the flatmate's computer is becoming increasinly slow and grumpy when asked to do anything photography related. I think the hamsters may be on their last legs.

So, what have I been doing?

Clearing out my wardrobe for a start. We have a new lodger in our spare room, which means I no longer have the use of two full double bedrooms to keep my stuff in. Having been reduced one one bedroom, it has occurred to me that I own way too many clothes, yet wear my favourite things all the time. I managed to sell a ton of stuff on Ebay, which is very satisfying, but also pretty time consuming and dull. Need to do another pass now, but more ruthlessly.

Also, I went to Torture Garden for the first time ever. It was much fun and not at all scary and I've never been chatted up so politely in my entire life! The night had a nautical theme, which gave me the excuse to buy a rather fabulous sailor corset that I've been coveting for some time.

It's from a company called Boobie Trap Corsets, who make beautiful things and have the best customer service ever. I think I now have enough corsets to call it a collection. Some people collect crystal animals, or china frogs, or whatever. I shall collect corsets.

And this is me wearing it (sadly I look nowhere near as good as Boobie Trap's cute model, but considering how shocking I normally look in photos, I quite like this one)

I have also been making shiny things, hurrah! More on this later, but for now I must get back to work. The Employment Tribunal beckons...

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