Tuesday 21 April 2009

Mad as a...

Hatter of course!

I have, finally, taken some pictures of my recent handywork. They are as good as I can get them using the worlds lamest photo editing program, together with a computer powered by elderly, arthritic hamsters. Enjoy :)
I think these little nautical cocktail hats are my favourites so far. I have worn the blue one a couple of times and no-one has laughed at me yet. Well, not to my face anyway...
There are loads more in progress, although I have been lacking in free time this week, mainly because it's the London Roller Girls' championship bout on Saturday, woohoo! I'm so excited about this, even though I'll probably be too busy to actually see much of the action. A small part of me misses the excitement of actually skating in a bout, but only a really small part. Had a planning meeting at Silky & Nem's flat last night, which ended in much wine and chat, and me and Jennie running to Brixton station to get the last tube. Got home about 1:20am in the end. Oops. On a school night and everything!

Also met my mum for dinner this evening, as she's on a flying visit to pick up my nan from Heathrow. I really must go home more this year...


Thea Schneider said...

I like your hats. I am sure they look beautiful in real and when somebody wears them =)

Lauren Grace said...

Thanks Thea :) I'm working on sorting out some better pictures of them on a mannequin head, so hopefully you can see what they look like on.