Anyway, here's a sneaky work in progress picture. They don't look like much just yet, and they're not shiny at all, as I've just been waving all the fire at them, but hopefully they'll be finished soon.

My attention has been diverted from them slightly though, due to getting more orders than I can shake a stick at, hurrah! I'm working on a couple of custom derby roller skate necklaces with the numbers and team colours I wrote about a couple of weeks ago, some silver moustaches and a very special necklace. Can't wait to share them!
For now though, I must bid farewell and potter back to my workbench, as some shiny wheels need attaching to skates.
Oooh lovely! They are in my wedding colours ;)
That's the idea! There should be a lot of different sizes/shapes/options when I'm done, just waiting for a delivery of some pearls to finish a couple of the necklaces :)
Love!!!! They're totes weddingy, but not in too girly a way.
eee!! its exciting!!! :D I cant wait to see them all!!!
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