I've not had a chance to post for a while, due to being crazy busy in the couple of weeks leading up to my lovely holiday in the sun (more of which later).
Had a nice commission from the husband of a rollergirl for one of my winged skate necklaces, customised with her skate number. I've not had much of a chance to saw things from silver sheet with tiny blades for a while, so creating the little 9 made me happy.
Didn't have time to take proper pictures, but took a couple of (slighly blurry) snaps.

Also, I've not made any cupcakes for ages, so created some vaguely royal wedding themed ones in red, white and blue and took them into work. The boy came home as I was merrily pottering around the kitchen with icing and glitter and commented that I'm always so happy when I'm creating things. Usually a mess!
Anyway, here they are:

Had a bit of a horrid last day at work trying to get everything finished before going on holiday and ended up in the office until gone 8pm! Boooooo. But a lovely time in the glorious Cuban sunshine perked me up no end. We spent a few days in Havana, which was beautiful, fascinating and chaotic in equal measures, then on to Varadero for a few more days on the most gorgeous beach. Think I finally relaxed and slept properly for the first time in about two years!
I took a ton of photographs, but I don't want to bore you all rigid with my holiday snaps, so here's just a couple of my favourites:

Now, back to reality and back to the workbench. Many shiny things need finishing before the Liberty open call in August.