Friday, 29 May 2009
Do Bee Careful...
I hope the bee is okay...
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Work in Progress
Having finally found a spray paint colour that looked vaguely human coloured, if a human happened to be both Caucasian and bit goth (Montana White/Orange), I plonked the head down outside and proceeded. Pale is good, right? Nicola is my favourite member of Girls Aloud, after all...

Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Sunshine, and a good book...
Absolute best thing I'd read in ages. I mainly ignored the boy for the entire three days it took me to read :) Back to work, real life and the usual hecticness of trying to do a million things at once now. Sigh...
Friday, 8 May 2009
Things I Learned Today
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
How to Get Ahead
Yes, I am aware that was totally lame :)
So, I wasn't at all happy with the photography I did of my little hats. I didn't like the background, as it just gets in the way and, whilst I like my little glass hatstand/candlestick, I think the hats really need to be seen in context. Next stop, mannequin purchase...
Turns out it's quite difficult to find a non-hideous mannequin head, especially when one has very little cash. What I really want is somthing like this here picture I found:
But various searches on the interwebs mainly turned up all sorts of gurning polystyrene atrocities. Eventually I turned to Ebay and found this lovely lady for very cheap.
I put in my bid, and won her for the bargain price of £12.07. Woohoo! Now admittedly she's kinda funny looking (but I wouldn't say that to her face, cos she has these mad, scary eyes) but I figured with a bit of resculpting to the headshape and some paint, she might not look too bad. Did I mention that mannequins really scare me? Well, they do. And waxworks. I did a project at college once that involved me having to shape a metal armpiece over a mannequin arm. I rescued a random disembodied arm from a Chatham department store, but discovered I couldn't sleep until I'd locked it outside of my bedroom. Creepy.
Anyway, so far I've been able to share my house with the head. For some reason it's less creepy than the arm I guess. Or I've just got a bit less mental as I've got older...
So, I've done some sculpting work to the head shape, jawline and hairline using trusty old Milliput:
And than sanded it all back smooth, thus covering my entire living room in a fine layer of white dust (which I have since learned is hideously toxic. Eep!).
Next step will be spraying a coat of primer on it, followed by painting on the hair and make up. Possibly with acrylic. Not sure yet.
It may end up looking totally rubbish, as I've not picked up a paintbrush for a while, but I'll give it a go...
Summer, Almost...
Anyway, my mother has been mentioning that perhaps I ought to cut back the giant spindly rose bushes for quite some time now and, seeing as the sun was out and all, it appeared that I had run out of my usual "but it's snowing/raining/windy/there are spiders" excuses. Well, not entirely actually. I did find a nest of tiny spiders hovering in a large and many legged ball over an empty plant pot. Hmmm, I thought, that is slightly alarming. I pictured them when they were all grown up and laying siege to my house and decided they had to go. I bravely poked the pot with a very long stick to ascertain the chances of me scooping the whole thing up and relocating it somewhere that wasn't my garden, but as I poked it, a mass of the tiny creatures swarmed up over the side of the pot. Ever seen the movie Arachnophobia? It was just like that, but in minature. Subsequent visions of them swarming over me like the scarab scene in The Mummy put paid to further thoughts of relocation. Which only left the option of death :( Now, I am terrified of spiders, but I am also a nice vegetarian who is kind to animals and the thought of arachnid genocide perpetrated by me was greatly upsetting (although after the boy pointed out the actual meaning of genocide, I did downgrade it to mass murder). The fact that this incident coincided with my monthly PMT induced emotional meltdown only served to upset me further. In the end, after much handwringing and pacing, a happy ending was reached when my flatmate marched into the garden, picked up the whole thing and took it across the road to a nice tree. Yay! That one small action almost totally makes up for 2 years of him failing to do the washing up or clean the bathroom. I said almost...
Anyway, after that large digression from the original point, many large woody things in the garden were cut back, ivy was tamed and things now deceased through 2 years of wilful neglect on my part were dug up. Five large garden waste sacks and a few blisters later, the boy had forked over all the earth now exposed through lack of weeds and I had discovered that we have a total of 4 shovels in our shed. Who needs 4 shovels!? The garden now looks much tidier, if a little bare:

So, off I pottered with the boy to Stoke Newington, where there are several lovely plant shops. I purchased a fuschia, as they remind me of mum, a lavender plant, as the smell reminds of of my nan's garden when I was little, a mint plant, as I can make mojitos with it, and a large pink flowery thing, just because it was pretty.
And here they are:

Here's looking forward to many more barbeques, hopefully in the sunshine this time, in my new garden.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Sweatshopbytiq/Kawaii Parlor - Scam: Update
I reported sweatshopbytiq to Etsy for non-delivery of an item, they investigated, and I am pleased to say they found in my favour, as she provided them with no proof of postage of the replacement item and refused to confirm that she would provide the replacement or a refund. So, ultimately they said they had no choice but to close down her Etsy store. A small victory for moi, as this girl really did take the piss! Here is their email:
> > Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 12:38:08 -0400> > From:> > To:> > Subject: Re: Etsy Notification of Non-Delivery> >> >> >
Hi Lauren,We are sorry to report that after many attempts, Etsy has not received an update that indicates the seller has or will settle your transaction. Consequently, we will ban them from using Etsy or operating a shop on the site (this is set to happen this Friday). We hope that you were able obtain a refund. Kind regards, Erin Haldrup Etsy Support
I also found her previous Ebay ID*com which has a ton of negative feedback from other buyers that she's ripped off. Obvs, she no longer uses this ID and now operates under a different name... Also found further negative feedback here Glad it's not just me...
Anyway, sadly Etsy were unable to persuade her to provide me with the item I paid for, or a refund, and advised me to file a complaint to the Internet Crime Centre, which I have done today. I don't hold out much hope of them being able to do anything, as this girl really is a total nightmare and just responds to emails with irrational gibberish and no actual answers to queries!
But, you know, fingers crossed. At least she can't rip anyone else off via Etsy any more though :)
Watch this space...

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