I had been feeling a bit despondent about the whole thing, as I realised that all of the designs that look amazing in my head need to be made out of silver clay. Now, I've never sculpted anything in my life, I just figured, you know, how hard can it be right? Turns out, quite hard. I thought I'd have a bash with some Fimo clay first, rather than starting off with the silver clay. So, I happily sit with my block of clay and attempt to sculpt a 15mm high Marie Antionette figure. I officially suck at sculpting. It looks like a frog and I squash it in a fit of pique.
The boy did suggest that perhaps 10 minutes was not really enough time to master the art of miniature sculpture and maybe I should start with something a bit simpler than an 18th century queen, but what does he know, right?
Anyway, I thought I'd have a go at a rollerskate next, as that's the first thing I need to make for my derby charm bracelet idea. My first attempt did make me giggle, if nothing else.

I had another couple of goes at just the boot part, as I'm going to be making the plate and wheels from sheet silver and tube anyhow, rather than sculpting them, and it kind of got a bit better as I went along. Not much though...

So, onwards and upwards then I guess. I need to get back to the sculpting practice, finish the skate and design some more derby-style charms.
I'm off to set deadlines and make a plan...